Terms and Conditions of Publication:
1. The quarterly „Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability” publishes original papers written in English. Authors of articles written in a language other than English must translate their work (or have it translated) into English. Only high quality translations will be accepted. Authors are strongly recommended to have their manuscripts checked by a native English speaker or a professional language editing service before submission, in order to ensure that the language is acceptable. Submissions may be rejected due to low quality of the translation.
2. The Quarterly welcomes all original submissions of articles that comply with its Aims and Scope. If a paper contains any material that has already been published (e.g. figures), then this must be declared by referencing the source in the manuscript, and authors are responsible for obtaining relevant permissions to republish. Evidence of permission granted must be available upon request.
3. All submissions should be made online via the peer-review system. Authors can use the "Articles" button to make a new submission or check the status of their manuscript. New users will need to create an account.
4. Submissions are made on the understanding that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not currently under consideration by another journal published by any other publisher.
5. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the submission has been approved for publication by all co-authors. Submitting authors' responsibilities include especially the following issues:
Plagiarism. The unattributed copying of another published or unpublished work or the theft of the ideas of another researcher is considered a serious offence. If suspected, authors will be contacted and – if under review – publication/the review process will be withheld until the issue is resolved.
Authorship. Authorship of a paper should be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work. Guest authorship and ghostwriting are unacceptable and will be retracted if discovered, with the academics being reported to their institutions. All people who comply with the definition of authors should be named as authors in the article, and, similarly, no one who does not comply should be included as an author. Authors may not be added or deleted after submission without detailed explanation and written consent of all authors.
Conflict of Interest. The submitting author must declare on behalf of all co-authors if they have any conflict of interest that may have biased either their research or the article submitted.
Misleading or misreporting of findings. Authors are required to ensure that they do not selectively or incorrectly report their findings, or use language to mislead the readers.
In all cases, the Editorial Office reserves the rights to contact the authors' institutions if serious misconduct has been identified, and to retract any articles in which serious misconduct has been identified.
6. Each submission is checked for suitability when received by the Editorial Office, and may be rejected without review if it is outside the scope of the journal, is obviously of insufficient quality, or is missing important sections. This ends the assessment procedure. Re-submission of a rejected manuscript is not possible.
7. Authors are encouraged to suggest suitable reviewers, but the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Office reserves the right to select different reviewers.
8. Reviewers are selected in accordance with the principle of avoiding conflict of interest (examples of conflicts of interest include a personal relationship between reviewer and author, occupational subordination, direct scientific cooperation over the last two years prior to the review). The journal operates a double-blind peer review system.
This means that both the names of the authors are not disclosed to the reviewers, and the names of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors.
Names of all Reviewers supporting the Quarterly are updated annually and are available on
9. The review is provided in written form and concludes with an explicit recommendation to accept, revise or reject the paper for publication. If a negative review is given, the submission is rejected, which ends the assessment procedure. Re-submission of a rejected manuscript is not possible.
Criteria used by Editors and Reviewers in evaluating manuscripts:
1. Is the manuscript under review relevant to the subject matter of the Quarterly[1]?
2. Does the title of the manuscript correspond with its content? Is the title properly worded?
3. Is the subject of the study up to date and has it been appropriately substantiated with reference to the present state of knowledge?
4. Does the manuscript present new or original research results or methods?
5. Are the results presented of vital importance to the development of knowledge, innovativeness, etc.?
6. Have the authors stated clearly what they have achieved and why it has been necessary to undertake the analysed subject?
7. Is the terminology used accurate and compliant with the current standards? Are the SI units used consistently?
8. Is the selection of the cited literature sufficient and appropriate? Are the references listed alphabetically and are they written in an appropriate format? Does the list of references include an appropriate share of entries from the Web of Science Core Collection Journal List? Are all items from the reference list referred to in the text?
9. Is the illustrative material clear, of good quality and properly selected?
10. Is the article well-written and stylistically correct? Is it composed in accordance with the format of texts in EiN? Are the sections organized clearly and correctly? Are the abstract and the key words correct? Have the Authors provided their full address details?
[1] Selection of NO in point 1 is tantamount to rejection of the manuscript and ends the assessment procedure.
10. The Editor-in-Chief makes the publication decision after receiving at least two external reviewer reports with recommendations. On receiving the required number of reviews, the Editors pass them immediately to authors. The Editors require that authors prepare answers to reviewers’ comments, which are then sent to the referees. The Editor-in-Chief will make a decision to accept, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, or reject the paper for publication. The reasons for the decision will be communicated to the authors. When the decision of minor/major revisions is made, and the authors do not revise their articles satisfactorily after receiving reviewer reports, then the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject the article. When revised articles are received, they will either be sent out for further review or the Editor-in-Chief will make a decision depending on the level of revision requested.
11. The time required for reviewing a manuscript and making a publication decision is may vary a lot from one submission to the next since it is sometimes difficult to find suitable reviewers, and there may be delays in receiving reviewer reports. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Office try their best to minimize the time from submission to first decision. The journal aims to make the first decision within 7 days after the Editorial Office check and the second decision within 30 days after the review, but no guarantees can be made in this regard.
12. Submissions with positive reviews are subjected to an originality check. Only those articles that have successfully passed the anti-plagiarism test are finally accepted for publication.
13. Copyright. All accepted articles are published Open Access under the Creative Commons Licence: CC-BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Authors retain copyright in their articles, but grant Polish Maintenance Society as the Publisher of the Quarterly the right of the first publication. Full texts of all printed articles are available on the website of the Quarterly
The publication fee for one text is 410 EUR (all graphics in colour included)
Technical requirements:
1. After the paper has received positive reviews and been accepted for publication, it must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document format. PDF files are not accepted, we also do not accept applications by e-mail, only via the website
2. Submission format
We do not have strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must be sent as two separate documents:
- Title page (link) must contain the following information
- Title of the article
- Authors' data including:
1. Full institutional mailing address (University, department, etc)
2. Country
3. e-mail address
4. ORCID number
5. Correspondence address
- Main document (link) which must contain:
- Title of the article
- HIGHLIGHTS (a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide researchers with a quick overview of the article in text form) - three to five bullet points should describe the essence of the study (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it. Highlights should not exceed 90 characters (including spaces) in each bullet point
- Abstract max. 1100 characters (including spaces). Abstract must refer to: objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Key words up to 6
- Main text consisting of:
- Introduction - The introduction must contain state of the art analysis. Authors should proved clearly that the subject of the study is up to date and the presented results are of vital importance to the development of knowledge, innovativeness etc. This should be appropriately substantiated with reference to the present state of knowledge including also up-to-date articles published in reliability journals. Please, avoid block citations of several references without their detailed analysis.
The text should be set in Times (Times New Roman) 9 points, equations should be converted to MathType objets.
Titles and captions should not be capital letters.
Illustrations should be in TIFF format, of sufficient resolution: 300 dpi in case of colour and grayscale and 1200 dpi black and white (monochromatic) figures. For our text column it gives 1050 and 4200 pixels wide respectively.
Equations and figures should not be placed inside tables solely for formatting purposes.
Main text should be separated under appropriate headings and subheadings (if necessary). Please, do not divide words in the text.
Tables, drawings, graphs, and photos included in the text should have descriptive English-language captions. - Material and methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Authors' contributions and acknowledgements
- References - in alphabetical order and with DOI
- Introduction - The introduction must contain state of the art analysis. Authors should proved clearly that the subject of the study is up to date and the presented results are of vital importance to the development of knowledge, innovativeness etc. This should be appropriately substantiated with reference to the present state of knowledge including also up-to-date articles published in reliability journals. Please, avoid block citations of several references without their detailed analysis.
3. The Editor reserves the right to abridge and adjust the manuscripts
The quarterly Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability proceeds entirely online
Editor contact info:
Editorial Office of „Eksploatacja i Niezawodność - Maintenance and Reliability”
Ul. Jagiellońska 80
03-301 Warszawa