Wpływ uniwersalnego modyfikatora na osiągi silnika
Uniwersalny modyfikator jest stosowany jest do par ciernych w celu zmniejszenia tarcia i zwiększenia ich trwałoć. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań silników przy zastosowaniu domieszki uniwersalnego modyfikatora do oleju mineralnego wykonane w VGTU Katedra Pojazdów Transportowych. Z analizy tych badań wynika, że wprowadzenie uniwersalnego modyfikatora do systemu smarowania silnika prowadzi do: wzrostu i wyrównania cinienia we wszystkich cylindrach, zmniejszenia emisji substancji toksycznych przez poprawę spalania spowodowane lepszym sprężaniem, wzrost mocy silnika oraz zmniejszeniem zużycia paliwa spowodowane niższymi oporami tarcia.
Multipurpose modifier impact on some performances of the engine
The Multipurpose Modifier is intended for use in the friction units in order to reduce the friction while improving the contacting pairs durability. Results of the engines test then Multipurpose Modifier is mixable with oil of lubrication system carried out in VGTU Department of Automobile Transport are presented in our article. Our test results analysis showed that Multipurpose Modifier introduction in our engines lubrication system, leads to the instant positive effect: increase and balance compression in all cylinders; reduce exhaust toxicity by improving combustion due to better engine compression; increase engine power or decrease the fuel consumption because Lower resistance force of friction between inside components.
Research of the efficiency of use of shock absorbers with controlled dissipative force in motor cars
Shock absorbers are chosen according to a certain average influence, so in a wider range of an influence of vibrations as well as on changes of the weight of the transported cargo a scantiness of ordinary shock absorbers comes to light. In the article, possibilities of an application of a shock absorber with magnetic liquid are discussed. In such case, dissipative features may be changed dependently on the level on vibrations of the amortized object. For this purpose, a feedback receiving signals from a seismic sensor is used. Vibration isolating features for the case when the signal is integrated for one or two times are described. In case of feedback according to the offset, i.e. when the signal of the accelerometer is integrated for two times, the efficiency of the vibration isolating system becomes independent on changes of the amortized mass.
Investigation of reliability of high-pressure fuel pumps
This paper presents the research of faults of high-pressure fuel pumps (HPFP) as the main units of fuel equipment having influence on ifs reliability. Based by example of distributive-type ram HPFP-s, produced in Vilnius (Lithuania), there were examined the main indications of such failures and in accordance with the Waybull 's distribution law thwere were determined distributions of frequency of the random failures. Histogram of distribution of the random value, differential function and diagram of failure distribution of the HPFP-s are also presented.