Norbert Radek
Badania eksploatacyjne bijaków stalowych obrobionych elektroiskrowo
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych bijaków stalowych pracujących w młynie młotkowym odpadów papierowych. Badano stopień oraz rozwój procesów zużyciowych bijaków z powłoką naniesioną elektroiskrowo i bez powłoki. Powłoki nanoszone były przy pomocy urządzenia EIL-8A, natomiast elektrodę roboczą stanowił węglik spiekany WC-Co. Ocenę własności eksploatacyjnych przeprowadzono na podstawie obserwacji mikrostruktury, pomiarów mikrotwardości, chropowatości oraz badań odporności na zużycie. Wyniki pracy ukierunkowały dalsze poszukiwania skutecznych metod podwyższenia trwałości bijaków młyna młotkowego.
Determining the operational properties of steel beaters after electrospark deposition
The tests were conducted to analyze the operational properties of steel beaters used in a hammer mill for waste paper recycling. The degree of wear and the development of wear processes were studied for specimens with and without electrospark deposited coatings. The coatings were produced using an EIL-8A; the working electrode was WC-Co sintered carbide. The operational properties of the specimens were assessed by analyzing their micostructure, microhardness, roughness and wear resistance. The results show that more effective methods are required to increase the durability of beaters for hammer mills.
Operational tests of coating systems in military technology applications
The paper presents an analysis of the functional operational properties of multilayer coatings for use in military technology in the field of masking. The developed coating systems are characterized by operational innovation due to their small thickness when compared to those currently used by global defence contractors while maintaining the re-emission coefficient required for camouflage to be effective in the optical range. Their service life and durability were assessed in terms of functional properties based on measurements of attenuation coefficients, surface geometric structure, adhesion, specular gloss and colour parameters. The tests were carried out for coating systems fabricated in five variants: a two-layer paint system (SP1), a threelayer paint system (SP2), a laser-modified three-layer paint system (SP3) and a four-layer paint system in two variants (SP4 and SP5), with the former being modified with carbon nanotubes and the later − with spherical iron. Coating systems are characterized by low roughness and good adhesion and have appropriate attenuation coefficients for radar waves. Due to their operational properties, the developed coating systems can be used on armaments and military equipment.