Piotr Orliński
Wpływ zasilania silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym różnymi paliwami na porównanie kąta opóźnienia samozapłonu w aspekcie ochrony środowiska
W artykule przedstawiono informacje z badań dotyczące kąta opóźnienia samozaplonu silnika AD3.152 z wtryskiem bezpośrednim zasilanego węglowodorowym paliwem ONM City 50 oraz porównawczo paliwem roślinnym RosBioDiesel "RBD", olejem rzepakowym OR 100% oraz olejem słonecznikowym OSŁ 100%. Badania wykonano na bazie charakterystyki zewnętrznej z wykorzystaniem stanowiska hamownianego wyposażonego w system pomiarowy parametrów szybkozmiennych ciśnień. Analizę wyników badań przeprowadzono w celu porównania wpływu zasilania silnika niskosiarkowym paliwem węglowodorowym oraz wybranymi paliwami roślinnymi na kąt opóźnienia samozaplonu, co ma wpływ na proces spalania i wiąże się z emisją toksycznych składników spalin do otoczenia.
Influence of diesel engine fuelling with diferent fuels on self-ignation delay in aspect of ecology
Some information are presented in the paper concerning examination of self-ignation delay angle ofAD3.152 engine with direct injection fuelled with hydrocarbon fuel ONM City 50 and comparable vegetable fuel RosBioDiesel "RBD", rape oil OR 100% and sunflower oil OSl 100%. Speed external characteristics were examined on engine test stand equipped with measuring system of quick-changing pressure. The aim of examination is to compare the influence of engine fuelling with low-sulphur hydrocarbon fuel and selected vegetable oils on angle of self-ignation delay what substantially effects combustion process and emission of exhaust gases toxic components.
Ocena wpływu spalania dodatku wodoru na własności eksploatacyjne silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu dodatku wodoru w ilości do 9% masy oleju napędowego do układu dolotowego silnika Perkins1104C-E44T. Oceniono wpływ dodatku na proces wydzielania ciepła w komorze spalanie i stężenia CO, THC, NOX i PM w spalinach w ustalonych warunkach pracy silnika. W podsumowaniu stwierdzono iż analiza wyników badań nie uzasadnia stosowania wodoru jako dodatku do paliwa w silnikach o zapłonie samoczynnym.
Evaluation of the impact of combustion hydrogen addition on operating properties of self-ignition engine
The work presents the results of effect of the addition of hydrogen in an amount up to 9% of mass of diesel oil into the intake system of Perkins1104C-E44TA engine. The impact of hydrogen addition on process heat release in the combustion chamber and the concentration of CO, THC, NOX and PM in the exhaust at predetermined engine operating conditions. It was summarised that the analysis of the results does not justify the use of hydrogen as a fuel additive in self-ignition engines.
The comparative analysis of catalytic properties of Group 11 elements in NOx reduction by hydrocarbons in the presence of oxygen
NOx emission reduction in diesel engines can be achieved by using catalytic reactors reducing nitrogen oxides, including NH3-SCR and possibly also HC-SCR reactors. Reactors using ammonia achieve large conversion rates but cause a lot of operational problems. For this reason, the interest in reactors using hydrocarbons and their derivatives to reduce NOx has increased. Such reactors are the ones using metals from Group 11 (coinage metals) such as Cu, Ag and Au placed on an Al2O3-SiO2 carrier as active materials. The article characterizes the porosity and acidity of the carrier surface. Conversion of NO2, NO and propene as well as the formation of CO and N2O depending on the temperature at constant dosing of propene on a carrier covered with Cu, Ag and Au with a metal content of 4 g/dm3 were evaluated. The results of the tests showed that the tested Group 11 elements can be the basis for further experiments related to the development of this exhaust fumes cleaning technology for diesel engines.
New possibilities to reduce wheel and rail wear in the operation of metro wagons on curved track with small curve radii without considering propulsion and braking systems
This paper analyses the parameters relevant to the operation of underground cars in traffic on straight and curved tracks with small curve radii. Current knowledge of non-linear lateral dynamics of rail vehicles and the specialist computer programme Vi-Rail were used to build models and perform simulation calculations. A solution was proposed to enable passive control of wheelsets with very high guiding stiffnesses, without the need for systems to force the axles of the wheelsets to align radially in a curved track. This effect was achieved by varying the guidance stiffness in the horizontal plane of the frame of each bogie. The adopted course of action offers simplicity of solution, low manufacturing costs, high critical speed on straight track and extended service life of the metro wagons resulting from reduced mechanical wear of wheels and rails. A multi-criteria evaluation was carried out, confirming improved bogie controllability and reduced impact of the metro wagon wheelsets on the curved track. Comparisons were made of the design volumes for metro model wagons with bogies with symmetric and unsymmetric axleguide stiffness arrangements of the wheelsets.